

Psychology in HF
Technical Writing
My Professional Profile

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My Professional Profile -- Aim of this site

[shortcut to my curriculum vitae]

Born in 1964, having graduated in philosophy and in psychology, I work as a consulting publisher for some Italian imprints, managing the startup of new IT-STM book series (concept, authors, plants + PPB, possibly sponsorships). From jan. 2003 to feb. 2004 I worked as publisher, HPE (Higher & Professional Education) division of Pearson Education Italia (www.pearsoned.it). As a freelance, for many years I was a professional/tech writer (my writings) and trainer in the IT domain. I worked also as an editorial consultant for IT publishing companies (offline/online): Apogeo, Tecniche Nuove, and other. I'm interested in Human-Computer Interaction. In 1998-2003 I collaborated with the Psych.-Ergonomics Lab at the Dept. of Psychology, University of Torino (Prof. Alessandra Re). In 2000, in the capacity of web/communication manager I attended the startup phase of PRESSToday, a web company offering online search tools.

(Further details in my résumé and in my personal profile & network in LinkedIn community)

In this website I wish to collect some notes & bibliographical references (both in italian, sorry), plus many WWW links, about my interests and activities. These pages are addressing to students and simple visitors: nothing special for expert HF-people.
Here are the main sections of my site:

Ergonomics - Human Factors
Introduction and WWW links...ergonomia
Psychology in Erg./HF (HCI)
Bibliographical notes and WWW links...ergonomia psicologica
Technical Writing
Bibliographical notes and WWW links...manualistica, technical writing

I wish also to present here the details of my professional profile (in Italian) and my curriculum vitae (both in Italian and in English). Here are my expertise & working domains:

IT - Digital Culture
I am really fond of the borderline between IT and humanities. I'm a fan of the 3 "N": Norman, Nielsen, Negroponte.
I translated Jakob Nielsen's Homepage Usability (Italian edition: Apogeo, 2002)

I attended to the Italian edition of Donald Norman's Invisible Computer (Il computer invisibile, tr. it. B.Parrella, Apogeo, 2000).
I also translated some chapters of Digital Phoenix (A.I. studies by P.Churchland, H.Dreyfus et al.):
AA.VV., La fenice digitale, Apogeo, 2000.
I've been the translator and/or editor of other books about web (re)design, web marketing and net economy.
Details: see italian version of this page.

Technical Writing - IT Publishing
My main activity was technical writing (authoring of books, manuals, booklets, etc.), mostly about PCs and the Web. I collaborated with many Italian publishers. My editors teased me about my dream to be the italian Peter Norton (hey, the 4.th "N")... ;-)
Some examples of my works are listed in the italian version of this page.

Online and offline hypermedia
I contributed to some CD-ROMs: authoring of online help (Omnia 2000-2001, mm encyclopedia by De Agostini), and CBT modules (HF in Air Traffic Control & Crew Management, by Magister Ludi).
I'm interested in Web Design/Usability. I collaborated as an author/instructor to a Web-Based Training project (by Apogeo - Somedia - Kataweb): distance learning about IT and Internet-related topics.

IT Training
As a trainer, I worked with managers, employees, students, teaching them office automation, many sw tools and Internet. After all, my preferred job is the "initialization" of absolute beginners to the IT and Web domain.

Previous activities
In the past, I've been a teacher in the high-school (philosophy), a care-keeper (persons with psychic handicap and persons with AIDS), a researcher (bioethics).
See also my CV (English version available)

E-mail: fabrizio@comolli.it
© 1998-2005 - Fabrizio Comolli
